fresh microwave potatoes

5 minutes | 12 minutes | Complexity: Low | Type: Mains | Price: ~0.90 EUR

Ingredients for 1 person(s):

Here are the directions for supereasy and tasty microwave potatoes:

Wash the potatoes well, especially f you are not going to peel them. Perhaps you can use a fresh dish washing sponge for this and keep it only for this use.

Then cut them into small and uniformly sized bite size pieces - cubes would be better. Then put them in a microwave safe bowl. Add a small splash of olive oil - just enough to coat them. Add a bit of salt and pepper (you can add more later if you want.... so feel free to just add less in the beginning)..... and any other seasoning you might like.

Mix / toss them together and pop in the microwave with a microwave safe cover. Better not to use air tight containers. I'd suggest to place a small plate over the bowl.

Zap the potatoes for 5-8 minutes (800 Watts). Once the times goes off, leave it undisturbed for the steam to also do some more work.

Be very careful while taking the bowl out because of the steam. You could push the plate aside with a spoon for residual steam to escape first. Then use a fork to see if the biggest piece of potato is cooked. If not, pop it back in the microwave for more time using all the precautions.

Check if the seasoning is enough..... and you're good to go! I hope you like them, in case you try it.

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